Investigating Impact of Augmented Reality on Game Design to Facilitate Learning Experiences in Logistics Operations Using Immersive AR Interfaces

Augmented Reality (AR) provides an immersive experience platform where players may interact with the real world. Virtual digital information details enhance this interaction with the physical environment. This paper focuses on investigating using Augmented Reality (AR) technology for player’s intera...

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Hauptverfasser: Fatima, Sundus, Baalsrud Hauge, Jannicke, Basu, Prabahan, Baalsrud Hauge, Jakob, Chowdhury, Anindya, Schurig, Artem
Format: Tagungsbericht
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Zusammenfassung:Augmented Reality (AR) provides an immersive experience platform where players may interact with the real world. Virtual digital information details enhance this interaction with the physical environment. This paper focuses on investigating using Augmented Reality (AR) technology for player’s interaction influences the game design (technical features and interactivity aspects mainly) that could facilitate its players to achieve its proposed Intended Learning Objectives when playing different scenarios for logistic operations. To achieve this, an initial mock-up is set up with simple AR interactions to analyse the overall immersive player’s experience.