Can chan yu nian fo Wan Ming Yuan Hongdao di fo jiao si xiang
参禪與念佛 晚明袁宏道的佛敎思想Veröffentlicht 1993Buch -
Cao xi chan chang liu zu tan jing = Song of Caoxi : platform sutra of the sixth patriarch
曹溪禪唱 六祖壇經 = Song of Caoxi : platform sutra of the sixth patriarchVeröffentlicht 2019Buch -
Yi fo jie Zhuang yi "Zhuangzi" zhu wei xian suo zhi kao cha = Interpretation of Chuang-tzu's philosophy from Buddhist perspective : an investigation based on annotations of Chuang-...
以佛解莊 以《莊子》註為線索之考察 = Interpretation of Chuang-tzu's philosophy from Buddhist perspective : an investigation based on annotations of Chuang-tzuVeröffentlicht 2019Buch