Veröffentlicht 2015
“… Carl Maria von Weber ; (completed by Gustav Mahler) ; Don Pantaleone Roiz de Pacheo,
a nobleman from
Madrid - Robert Holzer, bass ; Don Gomez de Freiros,
a nobleman from
Madrid - Peter Furlang, tenor ; Clarissa, Don Pantaleone's daughter - Barbara Zechmeister, soprano ; Laura, Clarissa's maid - Sophie Marilley, mezzo-soprano ; Don Gaston Viratos, former student from Salamanca - Eric Shaw, tenor ; Don Pinto de Fonseca,
a country nobleman from Castrilla - Alessandro Svab, bass ; Innkeeper of the village of Penaranda - Stewart Kempster - bass ; Inez, the innkeeper's daughter - Sinead Campbell, soprano ; Ambrosio, Don Gaston's valet - Ales Jenis, baritone ; Wexford Festival Opera Chorus (Chorus master: Lubomír Mátl) ; National Philharmonic Orchestra of Belarus ; Paolo Arrivabeni …”
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