Veröffentlicht 2019
“… Include to grow : prospects for bilingual and bicultural education for both deaf and hearing students / Lucrezia Di Gregorio, Vincenzina Campana, Maria Lavecchia, and Pasquale Rinaldi -- The best of both worlds : a co-enrollment program for DHH children in The Netherlands / Annet de Klerk, Daan Hermans, Loes Wauters, Lilian de Laat, Francien Kroon, and Harry Knoors -- Conditions for effective co-enrollment of deaf and hearing students : what may be learned from experiences in Namur (Belgium) / Magaly Ghesquière and Laurence Meurant -- Four co-enrollment programs in Madrid : differences and similarities / Mar Pérez, Begoña de la Fuente, Pilar Alonso, and Gerardo Echeita -- Willie Ross School for the deaf and partnership campus : a dual-campus model of co-enrollment / Louis Abbate -- The growth and expansion of a co-enrollment program : teacher, student, graduate and parent perspectives / Kathryn H. Kreimeyer,
Cynthia Drye, and Kelly Metz -- …”
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