Veröffentlicht 2020
“… Intro -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Chapter 1 Corporate Governance -- Introduction -- Corporate Governance (CG) -- Defining Corporate Governance -- Narrow View of CG -- Broader View of CG -- The Importance of CG -- Enron -- Parmalat -- Palmer & -- Harvey --
HIH Insurance -- China Aviation Oil -- Satyam Computers -- Mehran Bank -- The Rationale for This Study -- References -- Chapter 2 Theories, Models and Mechanisms -- Theories of CG -- Agency Theory -- Resource-Dependence Theory (RDT) -- Stakeholder Theory -- Stewardship Theory -- Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) Approach -- Class and Managerial Hegemony -- Social Contract Theory (SCT) -- Legitimacy Theory -- CG Models -- Anglo-American Model -- The German Model -- The Japanese Model -- Corporate Governance in Pakistan -- Convergence of Corporate Governance Models -- CG Mechanisms -- Internal Mechanisms -- External Mechanisms -- Relationship Between Internal and External Mechanisms -- Landmark CG Developments -- The Cadbury Report -- The OECD Principles -- ASX Corporate Governance Council -- The King Reports (South Africa) -- The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002 (US) -- Code of Corporate Governance of Pakistan -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 3 Predictions of Corporate Governance Models -- Introduction -- Agency Perspective -- Resource Dependence Perspective (RDP) -- Stakeholder Perspective -- Multi Theory Approach -- Multi-theory Framework Adopted for This Research -- Selected Key Studies -- Hillman and
Dalziel (2003) -- Nicholson and Kiel (2004) -- Levrau and Van den Berghe (2007) -- Approach of This Research -- Predictions of Our Proposed Models -- Board Roles and Performance -- Monitoring Role and Firm Performance (Board Meetings) -- Resource-Dependence Role and Firm Performance (Board Size) …”
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