Veröffentlicht 2019
“… Deleuze, Guattari and partial objects / Kenneth Surin -- Little Hans and pedagogies of heterosexuality / Anna Hickey-Moody -- Undoing the parent-function : the metaphysics and politics of a Deleuzian child / Ohad Zehavi -- Beyond surface articulation : Alice and the Hermunculus / Helen Palmer -- Pathways through the labyrinth : Deleuze's gothic child in Stanley Kubrick's The Shining (1980) / Anna Powell -- "Just tell them I'm a chipmunk" : transgender children and the breach in the Oedipal gender assemblage / Mat Fournier -- Affective atmospheres : joy, ethics and the howl of children and young people's (a)sexuality / Ian Thomas -- Affect, play and becoming-Musicking / Chris Stover -- Temporalities of children's literature : chronos, aion and incorporeal ageing / Jane Newland -- Deleuze, children and worlding / Markus P.J.
Bohlmann -- Child, baby, embryo, brain, monster / Jon
Roffe …”
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