Report on the 1936 lake trout investigation, Lake Opeongo, Ontario
Veröffentlicht 1937“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
Buch -
Rate of growth of the small-mouthed black bass (Micropterus dolomieu) in some Ontario waters
Veröffentlicht 1932“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
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Food of the small-mouthed black bass (Micropterus dolomieu) in some Ontario waters
Veröffentlicht 1932“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
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A preliminary study of the genus leucichthys in the Canadian waters of Lake Ontario
Veröffentlicht 1928“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
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Taxonomic and life history studies of the ciscoes of Lake Ontario
Veröffentlicht 1931“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
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The Odonata (dragonflies) of Lake Nipissing
Veröffentlicht 1932“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
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Statistics of the whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) population of Shakespeare Island Lake, Ontario
Veröffentlicht 1932“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
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A description of Leucichthys tullibee (Richardson) based on six specimens from the type Locality
Veröffentlicht 1928“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
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Studies of trout producing lakes and ponds
Veröffentlicht 1932“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
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Studies of speckled trout [Salvelinus fontinalis] in Ontario
Veröffentlicht 1932“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
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The bottom fauna of Shakespeare Island Lake, Ontario
Veröffentlicht 1932“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
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The Bottom Fauna of Lake Simcoe and its role in the ecology of the lake
Veröffentlicht 1930“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
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The higher aquatic Plants of Lake Abitibi, Ontario
Veröffentlicht 1935“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
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Diurnal and seasonal Changes in the distribution of the limnetic Crustacea of Lake Nipissing, Ontario
Veröffentlicht 1938“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
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The Food of the Lake Nipissing Cisco, Leucichthys ártedi <Le Sueur>, with special reference to the utilization of the limnetic Crustacea
Veröffentlicht 1938“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
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The higher aquatic Plants of Shakespeare Island Lake, Ontario
Veröffentlicht 1935“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
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A new parasitic Unionicola
Veröffentlicht 1935“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
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The Summer Migration of the cisco, Leucichthys artedi <Le Sueur>, in Lake Nipissing, Ontario
Veröffentlicht 1937“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
Buch -
The Effect of temperature on the distribution of the mayflij fauna of a stream
Veröffentlicht 1935“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”
Buch -
Glacial and post-glacial Lakes in Ontario
Veröffentlicht 1922“… Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory …”