Pelargonium section Otidia typification and verification notes for the published names P. laxum (Sweet) G. Don, P. keeromsberense, P. karooescens, P. hermansdorpense (= P. humansdo...
Veröffentlicht 2015“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
Pelargonium section Otidia typification and verification notes for Pelargonium crithmifolum, P. paniculatum, P. munitum, P. anauris and P. dichotomum
Veröffentlicht 2014“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
Pelargonium section Otidia typification and verification notes for Pelargonium alternatim pinnatum , P. alternans & subspp., P. dasyphyllum, P. corallinum, P. microphyllum
Veröffentlicht 2014“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
Pelargonium section Otidia "Pelargonium dasycaulon (Geraniaceae) - a forgotten species
Veröffentlicht 2014“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
The L'Heritier project: Published errors (in Geraniaceae Group and other publications)
Veröffentlicht 2013“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
The L'Heritier project: Dioscorides-13 Index to Dioscorides by Michel Adanson (1763)
Veröffentlicht 2012“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
The L'Heritier project: Identications for the drawings of Rariorum Africanarum Plantarum by J. Burman, 1738 - 1740
Veröffentlicht 2012“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
The L'Heritier project: The botany of Bernard de Jussieu, comparison of 2 sources Antoine Duchesne and Laurent de Jussieu and reconstruction of the 1066 genera of the botany of Ber...
Veröffentlicht 2012“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
The L'Heritier project: Dioscorides-12 Identifications for the illustrations in Codex Aniciae Julianae (AD 512) and Codex Neapolitanus (AD 680) ; Dioscorides: identifications
Veröffentlicht 2011“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
The L'Heritier project: the partial text of Geraniologia as sent to Dryander in 1789
Veröffentlicht 2011“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
The L'Heritier project: Dioscorides-11 progress at december 2010 ; preview 2011, identifications
Veröffentlicht 2011“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
Pelargonium section Otidia the P. pachypodium sub-group : including P. pachypodium, P. vassari, P. occultum, P. arthriticum : discussing P. eberlanzii Dinter, P. eberlanzii Knuth,...
Veröffentlicht 2016“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
Pelargonium section Otidia typification and verification notes for P. parviflorum & subspecies, P. brevipetalum and P. rotundipetalum
Veröffentlicht 2015“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
Pelargonium section Otidia typification and verification notes for Pelargonium ceratophyllum, P. albersii, P. dasycaule, dasycoulon and P. hospitans Dinter nom. nud.
Veröffentlicht 2014“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
Michael Vassar, Californian plantsman Pelargonium seed donation notes
Veröffentlicht 2014“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
The L'Heritier project: DC's prodromus for Geraniaceae
Veröffentlicht 2013“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
The L'Heritier project: Cavanilles: Rival and unfriend to Lheritier the dissertatio botanica: no. 4 & 5, De Geraniis
Veröffentlicht 2011“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
Pelargonium section Otidia concatenated articles from Geraniaceae Group News
Veröffentlicht 2011“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
Pelargonium section Otidia equation of P. keeromsbergense to P. laxum, two new species P. omissum, update for indeterminate species : the indeterminate species ar P. eberlanzii Knu...
Veröffentlicht 2016“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”
Buch -
Pelargonium section Otidia Avonia (2005) German and revised translation of article "Was ist Pelargonium parviflorum?"
Veröffentlicht 2015“… Geraniaceae Group associated notes …”