The female porter of Shoreditch a true story, of the surprizing extraordinary adventures of Eliz. Ogden, alias Kath. Emery, alias Jemmy Preston, who lived as a man servant at two distillers in Shoreditch, five years. Containing: Her Birth, Parentage, and her Education given her by her Uncle, who kindly took her when her Parents met with Misfortunes, and supported her till she was near eighteen years of Age, her Journey to London, her Marriage with a Shoemaker, who courted her on her having a Legacy left her by her Uncle, some ancedotes on their Wedding, their returnto Staffordshire; some unfortunate Mistakes in their Conduct, which rendered them very unhappy, her Husbands attempting three several Times to Poison her, her escape from the fatal Stroke, and leaving him, her going in Mens Cloaths and passing undiscovered in them till she died, her various Exploits and Gallantry with the Female Sex, her pretended Marriage to a Woman, who threatned to swear a Child to her, her going into Services and Clubs, with many true and surprizing Facts, which can be testified, by several Persons in the Neighbourhood, where she chiefly resided, her Death and Burial, her being taken up again after she had been Buried a few Days. To which is added, the lucky misfortune
Veröffentlicht: (1750)