Bibliotheca Parisiana A catalogue of a collection of books, formed by a gentleman in France, not less conspicuous for his taste in distinguishing, than for his zeal in acquiring, whatever, of this Kind, was most perfect, curious, or scarce. It includes many first editions of the classicks [sic]; books magnificently printed on vellum, with illuminated paintings; manuscripts on vellum, embellished with rich miniatures; books of natural History, with the subjects coloured in the best manner, or with the original drawings; and books of the greatest splendour and rareness in the different classes of literature. To these are added, from another Grand Collection, selected Articles of high Value. The Whole are in the finest Condition, and in Bindings superlatively rich. They will be sold by auction, in London, on Monday the 26th of March, 1791, And the Five Days following, To be viewed the Week preceding- Catalogues to be had of Mr. Edwards, No. 102, Pall Mall, London; of Mr. Laurent, Rue de la Harp, Paris; and of the principal booksellers throughout Europe
von: Edwards, James 1757-1816
Veröffentlicht: (1791)