A compendious view of natural and revealed religion In seven books. Book I. Of the standard of all religion; the law of nature in its foundation and contents, the insufficiency of the light of nature to render a man truly virtuous and happy; the possibility, desirableness, necessity, propriety, reasponsiveness, credibility, divine authority, ... and parts of that revelation which is contained in the scriptures of the Old and New Testament. Book II. Of God, the author, object and end of all religion, in his perfections, persons, purposes and works. Book III. Of the bonds of religious connection between God and men, the covenants of works and grace in their origin, parties, parts and administration in time and eternity. Book IV. Of Christ the mediator of the covenant of grace, in his person, offices and states. Book V: Of the blessings of the covenant of grace, effectual calling, justification, adoption, sanctification, spiritual comfort, eternal glory. Book VI. Of the dispensation of the covenant of grace by means of law, gospel, and ordinances thereof. Book VII. Of the new covenant society or church, in her constitution, members, offices and government. By John Brown, Minister of the Gospel in Haddington
von: Brown, John 1722-1787
Veröffentlicht: (1782)