A catalogue of valuable and curious books; consisting of several collections lately purchased, among which are folio Dresses of eastern nations, finely coloured Hortus Elthamensis, 2 vol. cor. rus. Hortus Estetensisgallerie du Luxembourg -du Versailles, Russia Statue di Rossi Caesar,per Clarke, corio Maurit. Demosthenes Wolfii, edit. opt. Rymerifoedera, 20 vol. eleg. comp. Plutarchus Rualdi, 2 vol. chart. max.Aristophanes Kusteri Virgilius Ambrogii, 3 vol. ... Catalog. Bib. Reg. Galliae, 10 vol. Spelmanni Glossarium, ch. mag. S. Chrysostom, per Montfaucon. 13 v. Josephus Havercampi, 2 vol. -Hudsoni, 2 vol. ch. m. Critici Sacri, 14. vol. ch. max. N. Test. R. Stephani, corio Maurit. Idem Westenii, 2 vols. Chronicon Gotwicense, 2 v. ch. max. Architett. de Vitruve Deser, de la Chine, par Du Hable, 4 v. Ramelli Descript. ... Purchas's Pilgrimes, 5 vol. Hackluyt's Voyages, 2 vol. Temple of the Muses, by Picart Gerard's Herbal, by Johnson Stukeley's Itiner. Curiosum, &c. Dugdale's Summons to Parl. 2 vol. Hall's Cronicle, Russia Hollinshed's Chronicle, 2 vol. best ed. Burton's Leicestershire State Tracts, 4 vol. ... Pope's Works, Homer and Shakespeare, 22 vol. elegant Hume's Hist. Eng. 8 vol. royal pab. Claudianus Delphini Apuleius Delphini Livius Delphini, 6 vol. ... With many others equally good: Also several curious Missales, finely ornamented, and many Aneient and Valuable Mss. on Vellum, &c. Likewise a Parcel of Black Letter Books, English and Foreign, of very early Dates. Which will be sold (for Ready Money) at the Prices printed in the Catalogue, by T. Davies, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, on and after the 20th of February, 1771
von: Davies, Thomas ca. 1712-1785
Veröffentlicht: (1771)