  • Introduction Pável Reyes-Mercado$hGuillermo Jesús Larios Hernández The Rise and Fall on an International New Venture : The Case of an Online Medical Tourism Platform Sascha Fuerst and Lasse Torkkeli Wearable Technology Shaping Market Opportunities Through Innovation, Learning, and Networking$hGuillermo Jesús Larios Hernández Cinépolis México : Prospects for International Growth in the Entertainment Industry Alberto Borbolla-Albores Benotto Bicyles : Developing a Strategy for Profitable Growth Pável Reyes-Mercado; Jesús Berumen-Cantú Mexico's Health Food : Using Innovation to Create Commercial Ties with Suppliers Guillermo A. Zamacona Aboumrad; Adriana González Flores Napify App : An Example of Mexican Social Entrepreneurship Lizbeth Magdalena Puerta-Sierra; Moisés Maislin Mendoza International Growth for the Concept of Children's Edutainment : The Case of KidZania Argentina Soto-Maciel