A catalogue of a most superb unique collection of ancient statues bustos, bas-reliefs, urns and other antiquities, chiefly the workmanship of Grecian artists, Being the most remarkable Collection of this Kind ever exposed to Sale in England-These superb Antiquities were purchased by the Mess. Adam, during their Stay in Italy, from the most celebrated Collections of that Country; namely, that of the Vatican, Barbarini, Matei, Furietti, Massimi &c. &c. &c. Also a Catalogue Of a very Noble and Capital collection of pictures, By the greatest Masters of the Italian and Flemish Schools; And a singular and Beautiful-Collection of finish'd Drawings, fram'd and glaz'd; the most elegant Decoration for the Dressing-Rooms of the Ladies, and likewise for the Cabinets of the Virtuosi. Which will be sold by auction, By Mr. Christie, At the great Room belonging to the Society of Artists of Great Britain, betwixt Exeter 'change, and the bottom of Catherine Street in the Strand. On Thursday 25, Friday 26, and Saturday 27, of February, and Monday 1, and Tuesday 2, March 1773. The said Collection may be viewed on Friday, February 19, 1773, and till the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day punctually at Twelve O'Clock. Conditions of Sale as usual. Catalogues may be had at Mr. Christie's, in Pall-Mall, or at the Society of Artists Room in the Strand. Tickets will be delivered at the Door of the Room, at 1s. each, which will admit one Person during the Course of the View and Sale. N. B. No Person to be admitted without shewing their Tickets at the Door
von: Christie, James Mr 1730-1803
Veröffentlicht: (1773)