The land steward's and farmer's assistant containing the most useful and correct tables for shewing the contents of any piece of land in Acres and Rods, from One Rod to One Hundred in Length, and from Two Feet to Twenty Rods in Breadth. With a Table For the Price of Labour or Crops, from Two Shillings and Sixpence to Twenty Pounds per Acre. To which is Added, The true Method of measuring a Field, and to take the Contents of the Crooks or Bonds. With a Table for the setting of an Acre or Acres of Ground, from One Rod to Eighty Rods in Length. Also, A Table for the Purchase of Leases, from One Year to One Hundred. With an easy Method for measuring of Trling or Thatching, and proper Tables for finding the Contents of the same at any Dimensions. With a Table for valuing the Work, from One Shilling to Thirty Shillings per Acre. The Whole laid down in so plain and easy a Method, as to suit all Persons who have the least Knowledge of Figures, and to prevent Disputes between the Employer and Workman. By Michael Searles, Land-Surveyor, of Greenwich in Kent; Author of the Surveyor's Assistant, and Inventor of the Universal Plane, Table
von: Searles, Michael 1751-1813
Veröffentlicht: (1779)