The trader's pocket companion containing, correct tables, ready calculated, of universal use to merchants, shopkeepers, mechanicks, and to all other persons in any kind of business. A Table calculated, to shew at one View, the Value of any Quantity of Goods, Wares, or Merchandise, at any Price, adapted to all Capacities: and its particular, general, and extensive Use, shewn by many, and various Examples. A Table of universal Use, demonstrated, by the Solution of various Questions in Multiplication, Division, Reduction, Merchandising, measuring Superficies and Solids, Ganging, Surveying, &c. Twenty-Five Geometrical Problems, with their assigned Figures, applied to Measuring, Gauging, Surveying, &c. A Table calculated, to discover at one View, the different Discompts upon any of the Branches of the Customs, upon imported Goods, from one Farthing upwards. A Table for the more easy reckoning Salaries or Wages, by discovering, at one View, what any yearly Salary, Wages, or Estate, amounts to, by the Month, Week, or Day: and contrary, what any daily Salary amounts to by the Week, Month, or Year. A Table for casting up Interest at any Rate, for any Number of Days. The Rates and Fares of Coachmen, Carmen, and Watermen, with their Rules and Restrictions. By John Hewitt, Accomptant: Author of the Tables of Simple Interest, Corn Dealer's Assistant, &c
von: Hewitt, John
Veröffentlicht: (1738)