A declaration of the engagements, remonstrances, representations, proposals, desires and resolutions from His Excellency Sir Tho: Fairfax, and the generall councel of the Army For setling of His Majesty in His just rights, the Parliament in their just priviledges, and the subjects in their liberties and freedomes. With papers of overtures, of the army with the Kings Majesty, the Parliament, the citie, and with the souldiery amongst themselves. Also representations of the grievances of the Kingdome, and remedies propounded, for removing the present pressures whereby the subjects are burthened. And the resolution of the army; for the establishment of a firme and lasting peace in Church and Kingdome. Die Lunæ, 27. Septembris, 1647. Whereas Math: Simmons hath beene at great charges in printing the Declarations and Papers from the Army in one volume. It is ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that the said Math: Simmons shall have the printing and publishing thereof f....
Veröffentlicht: (1647)