The whole works of that eminent servant of Christ the late Reverend and much esteemed Mr. John Bunyan, formerly minister of the gospel, and pastor of a congregation at Bedford; including the whole of his pieces, sermons, discourses, tracts, and other writings, on various divine subjects: Being expository, explanatory, allegorical, familiar, experimental, and practical, in prose and verse, viz. ... Including all the original prefaces, titles, recommendatory epistles, an authentic account of the life and death of Mr. John Bunyan, his divine emblems for youth, &c. and other pieces never printed in any former collection. The whole carefully revised and corrected; and illustrated with notes, explanatory, experimental, practical, &c. by Mr. William Mason, and others. With a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. Mr. John Ryland, A.M. of Northampton, The whole embellished with the most superb, numerous, and elegant set of copper-plates, engraved by Thornton, Hawkins, Morris, Pollard, Grainger, Golder, Cary, Noble, Burder, Conder, Walker, Wooding, Hall, &c. from the original designs of Dodd, Hamilton, and others; being adapted not only to the pilgrim's progress, holy war, &c. but also to all the other valuable pieces of this celebrated and evangelical author
von: Bunyan, John 1628-1688
Veröffentlicht: (1782)