Joyfull and happy news from Iredand [sic] Being an exact relation of a great victory obtained against the grand army of the rebels, on Tuesday Feb. 7. 1642. at a towne called by the name of Roscolleth, neere Longford. In which battaile there were slain above 2500. of the rebels, and but 3. of the English, onely many wounded. The names of the English commanders were these: Sir Rich. Greenvill, Cor. Emely. Lieuten. Cor. Sherlock, Lieuten. Cor. Gibs, Ser. Maj. Shirman, Ser. Maj. Ashkey, &c. The names of the Irish commanders. Ser. Maj. Preston, Cor. Fits Gerrat, Cor. More, Cor. Tirrell, Cor. Philip Onelly, and Lord Trimnelstowne. The names of the Irish commanders that were slain in the battail. Coronel Plunket, Captaine Brian, Sir Tho. Nugent, Captain John Nugent, Cap. Adascalle, a Parliament man. Cap. Roger Davies, with eleven colours, and many prisoners
von: Saintliger, William
Veröffentlicht: (1643)