The builder's director, or bench-mate: being a pocket treasury of the Grecian, Roman, and Gothic orders of architecture, Made easy to the meanest Capacity by near 500 Examples, Improved from the best Authors, Ancient and Modern, Of Pedestals, Bases, Shafts, Capitals, Columns, Architraves, Freezes, Brackets, Cornices, Arches, Imposts, Key-Stones, Trusses, Moldings of Raking Pediments, Frontispieces. Portico's, Arcades, Colonades, Chimney-Pieces, Fretts, Guilochi's, Groins, Weatherings, Moldings for Tabernacles, Frames, &c. proportioned By Minutes and by Equal Parts, The like never before Published. Engraved on 184 Copper Plates. Wherein The Orders of Andrea Palladio are truly laid down, free from erroneous Measures. Written for the Use of Gentlemen delighting in True Architecture; and for Masters and Workmen to Draw from and Work after. By Batty Langley, architect
von: Langley, Batty 1696-1751
Veröffentlicht: (1747)