The laws respecting masters and servants, articled clerks, apprentices, manufacturers, labourers, and journeymen. Comprising also The Laws respecting Combinations amongst Workmen; and all other Matters relative to Masters and their Servants. Laid down in a plain and easy Manner; and in which all technical Terms of Law are familiarly explained. As collected and digested from the several reports and other books of authority, Up to the Present Time. Together with an appendix of precedents; Comprising a great Variety of the most approved Forms of Articles and Indentures of Clerkship and Apprenticeship, Agreements, Assignments, and other Instruments relating to the above Subject. The third edition, corrected and improved. By the author of The laws respecting landlords and tenants, Law of Wills, and Parish Matters
von: Bird, James Barry
Veröffentlicht: (1799)