A short treatise of politique povver; and of the true obedience which subjects owe to Kings, and other civill governours Being an answer to seven questions: viz. 1. Whereof politique power groweth, wherefore it was ordained, and the right use and duty of the same? Chap. I. 2. Whether kings, princes, and other governours, have an absolute power and authority over their subjects? Chap. II. 3. Whether kings, princes, and other politique governours, be subject to Gods lawes, and the positive lawes of their countries? Chap. III. 4. In what things, and how farre subjects are bound to obey their princes and governours? Chap. IV. 5. Whether all the subjects goods be the emperours or kings owne, and that they may lawfully take them as their owne? Chap. V. 6. Whether it be lawfull to depose an evill governour and kill a tyrant? Chap. VI. 7. What confidence is to be given to princes and potentates? Chap. VII. Written by D. John Ponnet, D.D. and published in the raigne of Queene Mar....
von: Ponet, John
Veröffentlicht: (1642)