The Queens Majesties message and letter from the Hague in Holland, directed to the Kings most excellent Majesty, &c being sent in that ship which was forced to put in at Yarmouth by reason of a leake which she sprung at sea, and was bound for Newcastle, who had in her fifty commanders, besides other common souldiers, 400. barrels of powder, ten peeces of ordnance, and great store of other armes and ammunition, all which was sent to his Majesty. And now comming up to London to be disposed of by the Parliament for the kingdomes safety and security, which letter, with divers others, are in the custody of - Henry Elsing Cler. P. Dom. Com. All which letters were cast over-board into the sea, and miraculously saved by a sailor in the said ship. Also the declaration and petition of the Palsgrave and the Queene his mother to both houses of Parliament for their annuall pension, with all denying and disclaiming in having any hand or consent in Prince Roberts unruly actions, against....
von: Henriette Maria England, Königin 1609-1669
Veröffentlicht: (1642)