Jemmy Twitcher's jests or, wit with the gravy in it: collected by a member of the beef-steak club; and now first published by Daniel Gunston. Interspersed with variety of entertaining articles from his own budget; The Whole consisting of Tales, Repartees, Conundrums, Bulls, Jokes, Double Entendres, Epigrams, Puns, Humbugs, Catches, Glees, And Every other Species of Wit and Humour. So that every person who is pleased with a Jest, may have a large Quantity by paying a Shilling earnest; If a Bull has any Charms for him, let him buy this little Volume, and he will find that we have given him a great many; If a Double Entendre can afford Delight, we appeal to the Ladies, whether we have not a just Claim to their Approbation, and we are willing to stand or fall by their Verdict. In short, we flatter ourselves that this Performance abounds with every Species of Wit; and we have the Satisfaction to say, what none of our Predecessors can, that these Jests are entirely new, and have never appeared in any other Jest Book. N. B. This little Volume, as its Contents have never been broached, may properly be said to be a Maiden One, and may be had, Price One Shilling stitched
von: Gunston, Daniel
Veröffentlicht: (1770)