Three letters upon the subject of the Gin Act, and common informers I. ----From a Citizen of London to a freeholder in the county of Norfolk concerning informers in general---particularly the present practice of those people, in which is consider'd the method of trials upon penal-laws, as well in a summary way as that by Juries.---- with the substance of the trials of some Citizens of London, at Guildhall in December last, for an assault up on a common informer. II. ---- From A.B. Esq; to the good Citizens of London. Occasioned by the outrages committed in putting the Law in execution for suppressing the pernicious custom of retailing spirituous liquors. III. ---- Answer to the said letter, wherein the Citizens of London and the Company of Distillers, are defended from the reflections cast on them in the said A B's letter, with a postscript, in relation to two paragraphs the one published in the London, and the other in the general evening posts. To which is added, a letter in respect to the lights in London, and the present darkness of Westminster
Veröffentlicht: (1738)