The compleat English gardner or, a sure guide to young planters and gardners: in three parts. I. Shewing the best Way and Order of Planting and Raising all sorts of Stocks, Fruit-Trees, and Shrubs, with the divers Ways of Ingrafting and Inoculating in their several Seasons. II. How to Order the Kitchen Garden for all sorts of Herbs, Roots, and Sallads. III. The Ordering of the Garden of Pleasure, with Variety of Knots, and Wilderness Work, after the best and newest Fashion, all cut in 24 curious Copper-Plates; also the most Approved Ways for Raising all sorts of Flowers, with Directions to Order Arbours, and Hedges in Gardning. The tenth edition. To which is now added, a supplement, Directing how to know what sort of Earth is proper for all sorts of Fruit-Trees, and when 'tis proper to Dung, and when not; Evils in Fruit-Trees how to remedy, to preserve Wall-Fruits; rare Secrets, for want of Knowledge thereof, many chief Plants dye: To know the proper Season for Herbs, Plants, &c. A Supplement to the Flower-Garden, in many rare Curiosities, being Secrets known to few, to order your Choice Plants, Flowers, and make them Flourish, as Oranges, Limons, Aloes, &c. The Season to remove them, and how to order the Stow and Fire-Place, &c. What Greens and Choice Flowers best endure Cold, and when to timely House them. Prognosticks of Observations of the most proper Time to Sow, Set, Plant, &c. Monthly Observations relating to Greens; their Ordering, Preserving, Housing, and to make them Flourish, &c. Monthly Observations throughout the Year, to order the Orchard, Kitchen, and Flower-Gardning. Begun by Leonard Meager, above Thirty Years a Practioner in the Art of Gardning, and now enlarged by way of supplement, by a lover of this princely diversion, and Profitable Recreation
von: Meager, Leonard 1624?-1704?
Veröffentlicht: (1704)