Abstracts of the following acts of Parliament Passed last sessions, viz. An act laying new duties on windows, and also for taking off the several duties on teas, and laying new duties in lieu thereof. An act for granting to His Majesty new duties on horses kept for riding and for drawing certain carriages. An act for granting certain duties upon bricks and tiles made in Great-Britain, or imported. An act for granting an additional duty on post letters, and to prevent abuses in respect of franking letters. An act to impose licences on the makers of exciseable articles, viz. maltsters, brewers, disullers, candle-makers, sope-makers, paper-makes, starch-makers, tanners, curriers, &c. &c. An act for granting a stamp duty on hats, and also imposing licences on the makers and venders of hats. Abstracts of an act for laying duties on printed linens and cottons, callicocs, and cotton goods, printed, stained, or dyed, in Great-Britain. With a preface and poetrical introduction, by E. Thomas, astronomer, F.S.A.B. author of The shrewsbury, chester, and Glocester royal almanacks, and several other publications
Veröffentlicht: (1784)