The fourth volume of the works of Mr. Thomas Brown, serious, moral, comical, and satyrical Consisting of Poems on several Occasions. Laconics; or, new Maxims of State and Conversation. The Praise of the Bottle. A Match for the Devil, a Poem. An Essay on Women. The Charms of the Bottle, a Friend to the Ladies. A new Million-Adventure, invented for Ladies that want Husbands, and younger Brothers that want Wives. Commendatory Verses on the Author of the two Arthurs. Collected by Mr. Brown. With a compleat Collection of Mr. Brown's Dialogues. Viz. Poet Bayes's Conversion, in two Parts. Joe Haynes's Conversion and Reconversion. The Welch Levite toss'd in a Blanket. The Reasons of the new Converts taking the Oaths to the Government. Reflexions on Julian Johnson's Argument, and the Pastoral Letter, &c. And Mr. Brown's Translation of the best Odes out of Horace
von: Brown, Thomas 1663-1704
Veröffentlicht: (1709)