The afflicted and retired mans meditations, concerning the excellency of the spirit With a discovery of the twofold-mind; the danger of the one, the comfort and safety of the other. First, here is observed, what it is for to be carnally minded. Secondly, means to suppress a carnal frame of spirit. Thirdly, the dreadful state of a carnal minded man. Fourthly, how the spirit is a Christians help. Fifthly, means to obtain the spirit. Sixthly, the characters of a spiritualized Christian. Seventhly, the glorious priviledges of a spiritual minded man. And a few meditations by way of observation: with a dialogue between Christ and a sinner; Christ and a Christian; Christ and the afflicted person: as also, a word to the remnant of the womans seed: with a loud call to all saints, to love one another upon the account of son-ship, and not onely upon the account of fellowship. Written by Samuel Bradley, who hath love for all that love the Lord Jesus in sincerity, who prayes for Zions....
von: Bradley, Samuel
Veröffentlicht: (1663)