The ancient liturgy of the church of Jerusalem being the liturgy of St. James, freed from all latter additions and interpolations of whatever kind, and so restored to it's original purity: by comparing it with the account given of that liturgy by St. Cyril in his fifth mystagogical catechism, and with the Clementine liturgy, &c. Containing in so many different columns, 1. The liturgy of St. James as we have it at present, the Interpolations being only printed in a smaller Character. II. The same Liturgy without these Interpolations, or the ancient Liturgy of the Church of Jerusalem. III. St. Cyril's Account of that Liturgy in his Vth Mystagogical Catechism. IV. The Clementine Liturgy. V. So much of the corresponding Parts of the Liturgies of St. Mark, St. Chrysostom and St. Basil as may serve for illustrating and confirming it. With an English translation and notes, as also an appendix, containing some other ancient prayers, Of all which an Account is given in the Preface
Veröffentlicht: (1744)