Laws concerning masters and servants Viz. Clerks to Attornies and Solicitors. Articles; Duties on Consideration Money; assigning on Death or leaving off Practice; returning Money; Examination, Admission, Inrolment and Expences thereon; in what Courts Attornies, &c. may Practice, and how punishable; Observations on their Duty. Apprentices in General. Binding; Duties on Consideration Money; Power of Master to correct; Actions by and against them and their Masters; Customs of London; assigning and taking Care of them on Death or Bankruptcy; refunding. Apprentice Fees; their Discharge, Freedom, setting up Trades, and Settlement. Menial Servants. Hiring, Power of Master to Correct, Actions by and against them; Wages; Observations; and Settlement. Labourers, Journeymen, Artificers, Handicraftsmen, and other Workmen. Who compelled to Work; Testimonial; Time for Working in Summer and Winter; Punishment; Wages; general Regulations for Workmen in particular Manufactures; their Settlement, &c. The second edition. By a gentleman of the Inner-Temple
von: Gentleman of the Inner Temple
Veröffentlicht: (1768)