The subtil medium prov'd or, that wonderful power of nature, so long ago conjectur'd by the most ancient and remarkable philosophers, which they call'd sometimes æther, but oftener elementary fire, verify'd. Shewing, That all the distinguishing and essential qualities ascrib'd to æther by them, and the most eminent modern Philosophers, are to be found in electrical fire, and that too in the utmost Degree of Perfection. Giving An Account not only of the Progress and several Gradations of Electricity, from those ancient Times to the present; But also accounting, First, For the natural Difference of electrical and non-electrical Bodies. Secondly, Shewing the Source or main Spring from whence the electric Matter proceeds. Thirdly, Its various Uses in the animal Oeconomy, particularly when apply'd to Maladies and Disorders incident to the human Body. Illustrated by a Variety of known Facts. Fourthly, The Method of applying it in each particular Case. And, Lastly, The several Objections brought against it accounted for and answer'd. By R. Lovett, Of the Cathedral Church of Worcester
von: Lovett, Richard 1692-1780
Veröffentlicht: (1756)