The art of angling. By R. Brookes, M.D In two parts. I. Containing an account of fish, and fish-ponds: a new art of fly-making: the new laws that concern angling: the secret ways of catching fish by ointments, pastes, and other arts: directions how to procure baits, and for making all sorts of fish-tackle, with the surest method of finding sport, &c. II. Of the great whale, and whale fishery; the devouring shark; the amphibious turtle; the luscious turbot and sole; with flying fish, sea-devil, and other extraordinary productions of the sea. Likewise a natural history of the inhabitants of the salt water, and the various methods of rock and sea-fishing. Illustrated with one hundred and thirty-five cuts, exactly describing the different kinds of fish that are found in the fresh or salt waters. The whole forming a sportsman's magazine; and comprizing all that is curious and valuable in the art of angling
von: Brookes, Richard fl. 1721-1763
Veröffentlicht: (1774)