Rush's extracts, containing the evidences of genuine patriotism, and the love of our country The present state of republicanism, or democracy, in America and Europe, particularly France, impartially described. ; Modern speculations condemned, and some of their pernicious consequences exposed. ; The necessity of a new order of things, on entire new principles, proposed and explained--vindicated by the Sciptures [sic]. ; The comparative merits and demerits of agriculture and commerce, briefly stated. ; Also, the publisher's vindication of his conduct, during his seven years residence in America. ; Likewise, a true and circumstantial narrative of the illegal and oppressive imprisonment of Jonathan Brunt, printer, from Sheffield, by one John Moulson, from the same place, in the City-Hospital, New York; written by himself
von: Brunt, Jonathan
Veröffentlicht: (1801)