The modern parish officer or the parish officer's complete duty. Brought down to the present period. Containing all the statute-laws now in force. Together With the adjudged Cases relating to every Kind of Parish Business, placed in Alphabetical Order. A Work essentially necessary for Constables, Churchwardens, Overseers of the Poor, Surveyors of the Highways, Justices of the Peace, Attornies, Headboroughs, Tithingmen, Sidesmen, Vestrymen, Scavengers, &c. who would wish to execute their respective Offices with safety and Satisfaction. It is also a necessary Companion for every Inhabitant of a Parish, who may not be a Parish Officer; as it will enable him to judge whether the Parish Duties are properly executed by others, and to defend himself against the Ignorance of those who are unacquainted with their Duty, as well as the arbitrary Measures of those, who too frequently want to exercise an Authority which they are not warranted to do by Law. By a gentleman of Lincoln's Inn
von: Gentleman of Lincoln's Inn
Veröffentlicht: (1774)