The carpenter and joiner's assistant containing practical rules for making all kinds of joints, and various methods of hingeing them together; For Hanging Of AtDoors ON Straight OR Circular Plans; For fitting up Windows and Shutters to answer various Purposes, With Rules For Hanging Them: For the Construction of Floors, Partitions, Soffits, Groins, Arches for Masonny; for constructing Roofs in the best Manner from a given Quantity of Timber: For placing of Bond Timbers, with various Methods for adjusting Raking Pediments, enlarging and diminishing of Mouldings; taking Dimensions for Joinery, and for setting out Shop Fronts. With a new scheme for constructing stairs and hand-rails, and for Stairs having a Conical Well-Hole, &c. &c. To Which Are Added, Examples Of AtVarious Roofs Exectued, With The Scantlings, From Actual Measurements. With Rules for Mortices and Tenons, and for fixing Iron Straps, &c. Also Extracts from M. Belidor, M. du Hamel, M. de Buffon, &c. On the Strength Of AtTimber, with Practical Observations. Illustrated with seventy-nine plates, and copious explanations. By Peter Nicholson, Author Of At The Carpenter's New Guide, &c
von: Nicholson, Peter 1765-1844
Veröffentlicht: (1797)