Treffer 1 - 20 von 90 für Suche 'Yaeggy, B.', Suchdauer: 1,22s Treffer weiter einschränken
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    Measurement of the ν e -Nucleus Charged-Current Double-Differential Cross Section at ⟨ E ν ⟩ = 2.4     GeV Using NOvA von Acero, M. A., Adamson, P., Aliaga, L., Anfimov, N., Antoshkin, A., Arrieta-Diaz, E., Asquith, L., Aurisano, A., Back, A., Baird, M., Balashov, N., Baldi, P., Bambah, B. A., Bashar, S., Bays, K., Bernstein, R., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattarai, D., Bhuyan, B., Bian, J., Booth, A. C., Bowles, R., Brahma, B., Bromberg, C., Buchanan, N., Butkevich, A., Calvez, S., Carroll, T. J., Catano-Mur, E., Childress, S., Chatla, A., Chirco, R., Choudhary, B. C., Christensen, A., Coan, T. E., Colo, M., Cremonesi, L., Davies, G. S., Derwent, P. F., Ding, P., Djurcic, Z., Dolce, M., Doyle, D., Dueñas Tonguino, D., Dukes, E. C., Ehrlich, R., Elkins, M., Ewart, E., Feldman, G. J., Filip, P., Franc, J., Frank, M. J., Gallagher, H. R., Gandrajula, R., Gao, F., Giri, A., Gomes, R. A., Goodman, M. C., Grichine, V., Groh, M., Group, R., Guo, B., Habig, A., Hakl, F., Hall, A., Hartnell, J., Hatcher, R., Hausner, H., He, M., Heller, K., Hewes, V., Himmel, A., Jargowsky, B., Jarosz, J., Jediny, F., Johnson, C., Judah, M., Kakorin, I., Kaplan, D. M., Kalitkina, A., Keloth, R., Klimov, O., Koerner, L. W., Kolupaeva, L., Kotelnikov, S., Kralik, R., Kullenberg, Ch, Kubu, M., Kumar, A., Kuruppu, C. D., Kus, V., Lackey, T., Lang, K., Lasorak, P., Lesmeister, J., Lin, S., Lister, A., Liu, J., Lokajicek, M., Lopez, J. M. C.

    Veröffentlicht in Physical review letters

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