Santos, Gonçalo & Stevan Harrell (eds). Transforming patriarchy: Chinese families in the twenty‐first century. ix, 301 pp., bibliogr. Seattle, London: Univ. of Washington Press, 2016. £22.99 (paper)Shi, Lihong. Choosing daughters: family change in rural China. xi, 189 pp., tables, illus., bibliogr. Stanford: Univ. Press, 2017. £20.99 (paper)
Veröffentlicht in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
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It is justified to biopsy presumed hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) when the alfa fetoprotein (AFP) is normal: Debbie Shawcross, Univ Coll London Hosps, London, United Kingdom; Alice Gillams, Dept of Radiology, Univ Coll London, Hosps, London United Kingdom; Nikolai Naoumov, Inst of Hepatology, London United Kingdom; William Lees, Dept of Radiology, Univ Coll London, London United Kingdom; Roger Williams, Univ Coll London, London United Kingdom; Rajiv Jalan, Univ Coll London Medical Sch, London Un
Veröffentlicht in Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)
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Imaging of complex density in silver nanocubes by coherent x-ray diffraction
Veröffentlicht in New journal of physics
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P-B1-06 Self-association of non-complementary deoxytetranucleotides in aqueous solution: Veselkov A, 1 Baranovsky S, 1 Djimant L, 1 Petrenko N, 1 Davies D. 2 1Sevastopol State Techn. Univ.(UKR), 2Birkbeck College, Univ. of London (UK)
Veröffentlicht in Progress in biophysics and molecular biology
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HBV-specific CD8 cells show altered MHC/peptide binding in the presence of high levels of circulating viral antigen: Stephanie Reignat, Inst of Hepatology, Univ Coll London, London Uk; George Webster, David Brown, Ctr for Hepatology, Royal Free and Univ Coll Medical Sch, London Uk; Graeme Ogg, Inst of Molecular Medicine, Oxford Uk; Roger Williams, Inst of Hepatology, Univ Coll London, London Uk; Geoffrey Dusheiko, Ctr for Hepatology, Royal Free and Univ Coll Medical Sch, London Uk; Mala Maini, D
Veröffentlicht in Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)
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Maps of the Distribution and Density of African Population in Zambia. By George Kay. Lusaka: Univ. of Zambia Inst. for Social Res. (Communication 2), 1967. Pp. 24, maps. 10 s . - A Social Geography of Zambia: A Survey of Population Patterns in a Developing Country. By George Kay. London: Univ. of London Press, 1967. Pp. 159, ill., maps. 30 s
Veröffentlicht in Africa (London. 1928)
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M. R. Redwood, (Lecturer in Electrical Engineering. Queen Mary college, Univ. of London), Mechanica-Waveguides. The propagation of acoustic and ultra 1 sonic waves in fluids and solids with boundaries. VIII + 300 S. Oxford/London/New York/Paris 1960, Pergamon Press. Preis geb. 50 s.net
Veröffentlicht in ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
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66. Guthrie (W. K. C.) and van Groningen (Β. Α.). Tradition and personal achievement in classical antiquity. The introductory and closing addresses delivered at the third international Congress of classical studies in London 1959. Univ. of London, the Athlone Press, 1960
Veröffentlicht in Revue des Études Grecques
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