The famovs history of Sir Thomas Wyat. With the coronation of Queen Mary, and the coming in of King Philip. As it was plaied by the Queens Maiesties seruants. Written by Thomas Dickers, And Iohn Webster. London Printed by E. A. for Thomas Archer, and are to be solde at his shop in the Popes-head pallace, nere the Royall exchange. 1607
Buch -
The History of the two Maids of More-clacke VVth the life and simple maner of Iohn in the Hospitall. Played by the Children of the Kings Maiesties Reuels. VVritten by Robert Armin, seruant to the Kings most excellent Maiestie. London, Printed by N. O. for Thomas Archer, and is to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Pallace, 1609
Buch -
A full vindication and answer of the XI accused members, viz. Denzill Holles, Philip Stapelton, William Lewis, John Clotworthy, William Waller, Iohn Maynard, Major Gen. Massey, Iohn Glynne, Walter Long, Col. Edward Harley, Anthony Nichols to a late printed pamphlet intituled, A particular charge or impeachment, in the name of Sir Thomas Fairfax and the Army under his command, against the said members by his appointment and the Councel of War
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A full vindication and answer of the XI. accused members : viz. Denzell Holles, esq.; Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir William Lewis, Sir John Clotworthy, Sir William Waller, Sir Iohn Maynard, Kts; Major Gen. Massey, Iohn Glynne, esq.; Recorder of London. Walter Long, esquire, Col. Edward Harley, Anthony Nichols, esq. to a late printed pamphlet intituled, A particular charge or impeachment, in the name of Sir Thomas Fairfax and the army under his command : against the said members, by his appoinment an
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A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, the 25. of Nouember. 1621. : vpon occasion of that false and scandalous report (lately printed) touching the supposed apostasie of the right Reuerend Father in God, Iohn King, late Lord Bishop of London / by Henry King, his eldest sonne ; whereunto is annexed the examination, and answere of Thomas Preston, p. taken before my Lords Grace of Canterbury, touching this scandall ; published by authority
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An apologie for Iohn Wickliffe, : shewing his conformitie with the now Church of England; with answere to such slaunderous objections, as haue beene lately vrged against him by Father Parsons, the apologists, and others. Collected chiefly out of diuerse works of his in written hand, by Gods especiall providence remaining in the publike library at Oxford, of the honorable foundation of Sr. Thomas Bodley knight: / By Thomas James keeper of the same
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The institution of Christian religion / written in Latine by M. Iohn Calvine, and translated into English according to the authors last edition, by Thomas Norton. Hereunto are newly added sundry tables to find the principall matters entreated of in this book, containing by order of comon places the summe of the whole doctrine taught in the same, and also the declaration of places of Scripture therein expounded
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Iohn Barclay his Argenis / translated out of Latine into English ; the prose upon His Maiesties command by Sir Robert Le Grys and the verses by Thomas May ; with a clauis annexed to it for the satisfaction of the reader and helping him to understand what persons were by the author intended under the fained names imposed by him upon them
Buch -
The institution of Christian religion, written in Latine by M. Iohn Calvine, and translated into English according to the authors last edition, by Thomas Norton. Whereunto are newly added in the margent of the booke, notes conteyning in briefe the substance of the matter handled in each section
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The Revelation of Saint Iohn, illustrated with analysis and scholions. Wherein the sence is opened by the Scripture: and the events of things foretold, shewed by histories. Together with a most comfortable exposition of the last and most difficult part of the prophecy of Daniel. Wherein the restoring of the Jewes, and their calling to the faith of Christ, after the utter overthrow of their three last enemies, is set forth in lively colours. By Thomas Brightman
Buch -
Christs answer vnto Iohns qvestion: or, An introduction to the knowledge of Iesus Christ, and Him Crucified. Deliuered in certaine sermons in the famous towne of New-castle vpon Tine. By Thomas Iackson, Dr. of Diuinitie, Vicar of Saint Nicolas CHurch there, and fellow of Corpus Christi Colledge in Oxford
Buch -
The English-American, his travail by sea and land, or, A new survey of the West-Indias : containing a journall of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America, wherein is set forth his voyage from Spain to St. Iohn de Ulbus, and from thence to Xalappa, to Tlaxcalla, the city of Angeles, and forward to Mexico ; with the description of that great city, as it was in former times, and also at this present ; likewise his journey from Mexico through the provinces of Guaxaca,
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The argvments upon the writ of habeas corpus, in the Court of Kings bench. Wherein, are learnedly discussed, not onely the severall branches of the said writ, but also many authorities as well of the common as statute law: and divers ancient and obscure records most amply and elaborately debated and cleared. Together, with the opinion of the court thereupon. Whereunto is annexed, the petition of Sir Iohn Elliot knight, in behalf of the liberty of the subject
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Honing a History: Thomas More's Revisions of his Richard III
Veröffentlicht in The Review of English studies
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Strange and dangerous voyage of Captaine Thomas Iames in his intended discouery of the Northwest Passage into the South Sea : vvherein the miseries indured both going, wintering, returning, and the rarities obserued, both philosophicall and mathematicall, are related in this iournall of it, published by His Majesties command : to which are added, a plat or card for the sayling in those seas, diuers little tables of the autho'rs, of the variation of the compassse &c. : vvith an appendix concernin
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