Treffer 1 - 20 von 53 für Suche 'Bloom, Elliott D', Suchdauer: 0,88s Treffer weiter einschränken
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    Pulsed Gamma-Rays From PSR J2021 3651 with the Fermi Large Area Telescope von Abdo, Aous A., /Naval Research Lab, Wash., D.C., Ackermann, M., /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept, Ajello, Marco, Atwood, William B., /UC, Santa Cruz, Baldini, L., /INFN, Pisa, Ballet, J., /DAPNIA, Saclay, Barbiellini, Guido, /INFN, Trieste /Trieste U., Bastieri, Denis, /INFN, Padua /Padua U., Battelino, Milan, /Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm, Baughman, B.M., /Ohio State U., Bechtol, K., Bellazzini, Ronaldo, Berenji, Bijan, Bloom, Elliott D., Bogaert, G., /Ecole Polytechnique, Borgland, Anders W., Bregeon, J., Brez, A., Brigida, M., /Bari U. /INFN, Bari, Bruel, P., Burnett, Thompson H., /Washington U., Seattle /Bari U. /INFN, Bari /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept. /Columbia U. /IASF, Milan /IASF, Milan /DAPNIA, Saclay /INFN, Perugia /Perugia U. /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept. /George Mason U. /Naval Research Lab, Wash., D.C. /IASF, Milan /IASF, Milan /NASA, Goddard /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept. /INFN, Perugia /Perugia U. /LPCE, Orleans /Montpellier U. /Sonoma State U. /Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm /Stockholm U. /ASI, Rome /NRAO, Charlottesville /Naval Research Lab, Wash., D.C. /INFN, Trieste /Pavia U. /Bari U. /INFN, Bari /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept. /UC, Santa Cruz /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept. /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept. /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept. /CENBG, Gradignan /CENBG, Gradignan /Manchester U. /Montpellier U. /Bari U. /INFN, Bari, /more authors

    Veröffentlicht in The Astrophysical journal

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    Pulsed Gamma-Rays From the Millisecond Pulsar J0030+0451 with the Fermi Large Area Telescope von Abdo, Aous A., /Naval Research Lab, Wash., D.C., Ackermann, M., /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept, Atwood, W.B., /UC, Santa Cruz, Axelsson, M. /Stockholm U., OKC /Stockholm U., Baldini, L., /INFN, Pisa, Ballet, J., /DAPNIA, Saclay, Barbiellini, Guido, /INFN, Trieste /Trieste U., Bastieri, Denis, /INFN, Padua /Padua U., Battelino, M., /Stockholm U., OKC /Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm, Baughman, B.M., /Ohio State U., Bechtol, K., Bellazzini, R., Berenji, B., Bloom, Elliott D., Bonamente, E., /INFN, Perugia /Perugia U., Borgland, A.W., Bregeon, J., Brez, A., Brigida, M., /Bari U. /INFN, Bari, Bruel, P., /Ecole Polytechnique, Burnett, Thompson H., /Washington U., Seattle /Bari U. /INFN, Bari /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept. /IASF, Milan /IASF, Milan /DAPNIA, Saclay /INFN, Perugia /Perugia U. /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept. /George Mason U. /Naval Research Lab, Wash., D.C. /NASA, Goddard /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept. /INFN, Perugia /Perugia U. /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept. /LPCE, Orleans /Montpellier U. /Sonoma State U. /Stockholm U., OKC /Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm /Stockholm U. /ASDC, Frascati /Naval Research Lab, Wash., D.C. /INFN, Trieste /Bari U. /INFN, Bari /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept. /UC, Santa Cruz /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept. /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept. /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept. /CENBG, Gradignan /CENBG, Gradignan /Montpellier U. /Bari U. /INFN, Bari /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park /Stanford U., Phys. Dept. /INFN, Trieste /Hiroshima U., /more authors

    Veröffentlicht in The Astrophysical journal

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