PQ - French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Literature 149.462
PT - European, Asian and African Literature 113.586
PR - English Literature 93.524
PN - General Literature 81.629
PS - American Literature 59.650
PG - Slavic, Baltic, Abanian Languages 42.112
P - Philology and Linguistics 34.579
PA - Latin and Greek 26.709
PL - Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania 23.985
PC - Romanic Languages 22.040
PZ - Fiction 15.508
PE - English Languages 12.051
PF - West Germanic Languages 10.479
PJ - Oriental 9.415
PK - Indo-Iranian 8.147
PH - Uralic, Basque Languages 4.684
PD - Germanic Languages 2.790
PB - Modern and Celtic Languages 1.998
PM - Hyperborean, Indian, and Artificial Languages 1.768
N - Visual Arts 1