Verfasser | Häufigkeit |
Beauvoir, Roger de 1806-1866 |
1 |
Beethoven, Ludwig van 1770-1827 |
1 |
Berlioz, Hector 1803-1869 |
1 |
Bonora, Laura |
1 |
Carboni, Donatella |
1 |
Cossmann, Paul Nikolaus 1869-1942 |
1 |
De Vincenzi, Matteo |
1 |
Dehmel, Richard 1863-1920 |
1 |
Eichendorff, Joseph von 1788-1857 |
1 |
Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott 1715-1769 |
1 |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 1749-1832 |
1 |
Heine, Heinrich 1797-1856 |
1 |
Hindemith, Paul 1895-1963 |
1 |
Kaufmann, Alexander 1817-1893 |
1 |
Keller, Gottfried 1819-1890 |
1 |
Legouvé, Ernest 1807-1903 |
1 |
Loewe, Carl 1796-1869 |
1 |
Matteucci, Giorgio |
1 |
Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques Livorno |
1 |
Pfitzner, Hans 1869-1949 |
1 |